Audacity of Hope

Audacity of Hope
Vote For Senator Barack Obama!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Laying the Foundation for Our Children's Children.

I know that you may or may not be involved in the current Democratic campaign for the nomination. I am asking you to begin to take part. You don't have to go out and knock on doors (although if you would like to do so, I can make that happen :-)) and you don't have to pick up the phone to make cold calls. You can simply donate a few dollars.

One question that I am always asked when I am promoting Senator Obama's cause is: "How are you so sure that he won't mess up?" Well, my thinking is that we are all human and I don't expect any President to perfect. If that were the case, we would be fooling ourselves and living in a dream. In fact, what many are calling a nebulous speech that has no substantive "how to" information, is not that at all. Senator Obama seems to have his finger on the pulse of what needs to take place in our country and in our world, to make it a livable place for our children and future generations. His theory of changes is quite different from the other candidates'. It is one that involves us - the regular person in regular ways. We don't have to donate thousands of dollars. He isn't asking that - he is asking us to round up as many people that we can to donate whatever they can without hurting themselves and their economic stability.

So really, if we want to see any type of change, in the longer term, we have to begin now. Yes, we may not know what that outcome will be, but we can join Senator Obama and selflessly begin to lay the foundation of that world we want to create and handover to future generations.

All of that being said, I would love it if you could donate a little bit to the campaign. I have set my goal to $1000, which you can see here:

I have a ways to go. With several states coming up in the primaries, let's pull together our laundry change and help out!



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